IT Consulting

Complement & Supplement IT Proficiency

Lantium IT Consulting provides the additional skill set your organization needs, when you need it, to positively impact your business and meet your technology goals. Whether you are looking to gain objective advice from an outside perspective, or need expertise to augment or supplement current in-house staff, our technical aptitude serves enterprises and emerging businesses of all industries with the highest level of proficiency and latest certifications.

From the completion of special one-time projects to the outsourcing of part or all of your internal IT services, Lantium has over 15 years of experience effectively diagnosing, estimating, managing, implementing, deploying, and administering IT systems covering the various IT disciplines applied in today's business world.

Expertise to positively impact your business and meet your technology goals.

Hiring internally can be expensive, and does not guarantee all the know-how and experience you need for your entire IT department. Lantium can help fill any IT role on an as-needed basis to provide your business with the additional skill set and specialized industry and technical proficiency you need to meet your technology goals. Our model allows your organization to maintain complete control over IT initiatives while keeping extended, on-site expertise that is otherwise unavailable in-house. Our qualified IT professionals compliment your existing IT staff to complete the projects and/or responsibilities you need to successfully fulfill IT functions effectively.

Network and Server audits are an important first step in providing a roadmap for improving functionality and dependability of your IT environment. Lantium’s four-step audit provides your organization with a comprehensive understanding of all of the components that make up your network environment and pinpoint network issues, down to the root cause, to help your business avoid unnecessary and costly downtime.

Tracking client systems, software, security, backups, and network configurations is a complex process. Acting as an independent and unbiased third-party, Lantium will perform a detailed assessment of the technology currently in use in your environment, evaluate the server and network infrastructure, and provide a detailed report of findings for review. Once complete, Lantium will discuss your current needs and provide recommended solutions to improve your current technology – and that can be used for discussions with internal staff, other contractors, or to better price moving forward -- so your business can regain productivity levels and position itself to solve problems rapidly in the future.


Catalog critical network, workstation, and server information


Identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities that should be addressed


Provide documentation and cost estimates for upgrades and repairs


Determine and prioritize issues that require attention

Disasters happen. Whether from natural causes, human error, server failure, or network outages, it is how your business prepares for the unexpected that can mean all the difference. How much time can your business afford to be down? How much data are you willing to lose? Restoring IT is critical, but what about the rest of your business functions? You need a plan that thinks about your organization’s processes on a higher level and ensures continuous operation of IT functions regardless of system or enterprise failure.

Lantium’s business continuity planning provides affordable expert consulting that goes beyond data protection and recovery. We help your business anticipate, prepare for, respond and adapt to changes and disruptions – giving you peace of mind that your critical data is protected and your business is resilient. Lantium guides your organization through the process of developing a comprehensive continuity solution, outlining the procedures your organization needs to handle any incident effectively.

When you lack the required internal staff or skill sets to successfully execute specific IT projects, count on Lantium to fulfill your organization’s IT needs and functions effectively. From initial assessment, design, testing, delivery to overall project management, Lantium gives you access to your own expert team covering the various technology disciplines applied in today's business world. Our qualified IT professionals complement your existing IT staff to provide the leadership, knowledge and ability to get your project done correctly, on time and within budget. By combining deep technical expertise, keen business acumen and a passion for understanding our clients’ challenges, Lantium ensures the right solution is delivered with optimized results.

Virtualization enables businesses to divide one physical server into multiple independent virtual environments running multiple operating systems on one machine at the same time. With extensive experience in virtualization technology, Lantium can provide you with expert guidance in the transition to a more efficient and flexible virtual server environment to help lower hardware purchase and support costs, reduce the number of servers and storage devices to maintain, as well as centralized management of your businesses disaster recovery strategies.

Lantium works with your business to develop and implement a virtualization strategy customized to your needs and technology environment. We help you identify multiple operating systems running on underutilized (and possibly aging) servers and consolidate them to one or a few servers, centralizing server administration and optimizing your network infrastructure. Using industry-leading virtualization software that makes your data center more agile and efficient, Lantium helps you go virtual with faster application deployments, higher levels of availability and improved utilization of IT resources.

Qualified professionals to get your projects done correctly, on time and within budget.

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Lantium, Inc.

721 Arbor Way
Hillcrest II, Suite 25
Blue Bell, PA 19422